Originally Posted by sambo
Looks terrific Wazza. I like the clever hatch between the seats. Looks like you've anchored the seat belt reels inboard behind some special panels? Also which steering column have you used? If it's the usual Ford Laser then maybe you've fitted a different shroud?
Hi Sambo,
Thanks for the nice comments....
Firstly, the seat belt reels were mounted back into the chassis/ body, sort of out of the way, in a stepped recess.
This was so they wouldn't intrude into the cabin, and reduce the space to get the seats as far back as possible.
It used to bug me that there was bugger all room to mount seats and make decent stretch out room trying to get a decent driving position, and a lot of the problem was caused by the seat belt reel getting in the way of the seats.
Warwick was happy to make a step in the body that got them back further, and out of the way as much as possible.
Then the trimmer made the fibreglass mould, that covered the reel, and also a couple of "channels" that cover the belts all the way to the top.
I'm happy with the end result....tidy , and nothing can get down into the reel and stuff up the belt.
( Maybe I've got too much time to think about these things ?)
Yeah, the steering column is from a laser, and then I got Scotty to make a shroud that would give the trimmer a clean surface to finish in leather.