Originally Posted by Rjw289
Hi John. Thank you for all your help and knowledge. I can tell a lot of love went into this car. I still have not even driven it and picked it up yet with all the rain we have been having. Hopefully it will stop soon. Once I have it I will let you know and shoot a couple of pictures for you. The hoist was just installed in my garage today so it's new home is all ready.
BTW-what is the switch located on then far right for! Is their also a fuel pump toggle switch?
The fuel pump is mechanical so no worries there....My memory ain't what it used to be....take a look under the dash and send me a pic of it and the location, I will try to remember. I will also see if I have any notes on it. I think one of the switches may have been a spare and not connected.
Best of luck...and respect that thing...again and again!