So I started doing a bunch of work on my car again. One of my projects is the brake res cans. I had a leaking one some time ago which I replaced. Now they are all peeling around the top edge. Here is the problem. I forgot how to take the cans off. I got anxious and took one off but I'm not sure it was the correct way. After I took the can off by using a socket on the inside nut and holding the nut on the underside of the can I remembered doing it much differently last time. Pretty sure I disconnected the can from the bottom clamp where the line meets to rubber hose but I'm not 100% sure. So I have two questions.
1. What is the proper way to take the cans off?
2. Now that I have taken apart the one can, it's hard to get all the pieces back together as there is a nyloc type red material on the end of the nut and I can't get the inside nut screwed onto the fitting. (If that makes sense).