Hi Guy,
Thanks a lot....
There's a vent/outlet on each side....
and we've tested them, and the air flow is excellent.
Rather than blowing directly out of each foot well, and straight on to the driver or passenger......the mushroom shape of the centre of the vent when it's "popped out", sort of spreads the warm air from the heater outwards, and back towards the feet.
Also....When the heater is not wanted/used in the summer months...and you want some fresh air in the foot wells..( They can get quite hot in the summer)....
There's also a solenoid fitted to the heater, which stops the flow of hot water, and continues to blow fresh "coolish" air that we've ducted from the front of the car..
i.e. There's a glassed in channel that collects the air from the front passenger side brake duct, and up and across the top of the inner wall of the front wheel arch, to the heater...
( You can't see it, it's all covered with the black "Rhino liner" like the rest of the under guards, and it's hidden by the wheel.)
The plumbing for these vents and the demisters behind the dash , looked a bit like a bathroom wall when it was all going in....
but is all nice and solid, and works very well.