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The most desireable Cobra ever built
At this point in my life all I can do is drool over these cars. I have dreams of owning/building one in the future. I have some time to kill today so I have been looking into the history of Shelby Cobras and came across the CSX3015 twin Paxton supercharged Cobra that belonged to Carrol Shelby. I'm sure this car is "old news" to most of you but I just read about it today for the first time. When I first came across it I thought this car must the pinnacle of Shelby Cobras. The most desireable of all the Cobras built. Then I saw it was built with a 3 speed automatic and that kind of killed it for me LOL! Still, it is obviously very rare and collectable. So... What in your opinion is the most desirable, most rare, most collectable Cobra ever built?