As this is my first post and the deciding factor on whether or not I will purchase a cobra replica, I'd like to introduce myself. Obviously my real name isn't Jozza but a pleasure to be part of the forum all the same.
I have a few questions/concerns prior to purchase.
1. Is security a concern at all? The one I am eyeing has a hardtop and while it doesn't have an interior, conventional door handle. There is no stopping some pleb going Duke of Hazard on it. See link for car in question:
AutoTrader Classics - 1964 Shelby Cobra-Replica Convertible Red 8 Cylinder Manual 2 wheel drive | Kit Cars & Replicas | Phoenix, AZ
In fact, if you have any comments on this car at all, I'm all ears.
2. Do you worry that some moron or a small child will burn themselves on the hot sidepipes, leaving you open to litigation?
3. How is the resale on a replica?
Thanks for the help.