Originally Posted by mdross1
The worst thing anyone can do is give up on a project,unless there are circimstances that leave them with no choice.Otherwise the end result is so worth the time and effort.The satisfaction level has no price.Sometimes it is frustrating when feeling the need for speed and having no place to work it off.In our case the summer traffic has become almost ridiculus around home.Now have to drive 10 or 15 miles to find enough peace and quiet to really stretch it out.
This is so true! I have never regretted building a Cobra, yes they are hot, yes they are a bit smelly, and yep they may be somewhat temperamental at times. But, my worst times were better than most other good times. The friends I have made with the Cobra crowd has proven to be the best I have ever had. As for the builders, with few exceptions, most want to give us what we expect in the time frame promised. Shortages do occur from time to time with everything.