As of Sunday, Jan 13th, we have 32 cars and over 55 folks registered for the TCC Spring meet in San Marcos, TX. All details for the Meet are on our website
Texas Cobra Meet.
I would still like to get photos of attendees of you as a teenager or young adult with your first car OR a photo of you during your military service. Also send along a current photo of you with your car. Make sure you can see your face in the current photos.
I have had little response to the email I sent out of last year's attendees about holding a "TCC-style" Pinewood Derby. If you are interested in participating in a "no-holds barred" PWD

, please send me an email or PM. We will not proceed with the PWD until we get commitments from at least 30 participants. We have created our own set of rules and classification of cars.
I will post the PWD details on the website in a few days.
Thanks and I will see you in April!!
Ken Walker
Texas Cobra Club