Further progress photos as of 15 January 2013.
With the Christmas madness and sailing Nationals now having been dealt with, it is time to get back to the car again. Hopefully a first revisit being this Saturday morning coming.
As somewhat of a repeat but with better photos, Marty has now finished off the work shown in the previous posts above, as follows below -
The radiator cooling system is all completed including catch can.
The air intake system is also finalised, comprising Marty's proprietary SS air box and assorted shiny pipework to connect from the air box through the MAF up to the manifold.
Just need to go get the right K&N high flow filter now to fit the air box as shown below.
And a stainless wiper water bottle for good measure and looks (and to hide an unfilled hole in the end of the passenger footwell).
I will be getting Marty to blank off and re-route some of the under plenum piping and when this is all done I'll then be able to finally bolt the plenum back on after a polish and fully connect the bits above.
And I am trying to keep the part colour variations limited and simple on the engine. I'm using black silicon hose connectors for the air intake parts that will be clamped using polished SS bands.
Wished now that I had seen the post earlier where one of you guys used the black annodised fittings over the red-blue combo, however I may deal with this later on anyway.
I've also had those rusty roll bars chromed and they have come up a treat. No photos yet and the bars wont get re-fitted now until after painting is done. Do need however to polish up the SS rings Marty has made to suit the rollbars though.
A last job before Christmas too was the need to relocate the charcoal cannister. Found a good spot just behind the cabin and now need to modify the plumbing to suit.
I am also looking relocate my remote
oil filter in the engine bay and I'll need to fit up the
oil cooler in the nose area some time in the future.
Enjoy till the next progress pics.