Originally Posted by jhv48
Why not find a car that has an engine closer to what you actually want?
You're going to spend at least $10k with a cam and fuel injection change in addition to the price of the car and the taxes and registration fees. Possibly much more if you change out the heads.
If it were me, I would continue to search for a car that more closely meets my wish list. Just my opinion.
It all comes down to price. For the price I am purchasing the car . . . I could run it as is for a period of time . . . dump $10K into a cam and injection (I see no reason why the heads would need to be changed) . . . and still be at a price point that is considerably less than equivalently equipped SP cars that I have seen in the past 2 years of searching.
In addition, part of the fun for me . . . is in the planing/doing.