The places that a pre oiler will lubercate(bearings) will have
oil on them any way. Just because it will pressurize the
oil galley down to the MAIN bearings does not mean that it will get any
oil to the rod bearings(only IFFFFFFFFF they happen to be perfectly aligned with the oil galley (in the crank) holes----------
They will NOT put any oil on the cylinder bores, wrist pins etc and in most cases will do little for the cam shaft or lifter bases--------
One of my concerns for an engine that sets for a period of time-------valve springs that are compressed toward coil bind---causing premature failures in the valve train components----
Another area-----seems like a mouse took a bunch of dog food up the exhaust header, thru an open exhaust valve (900lift) and filled a cylinder for a winter habitat!!!!!!!!!!!
So--In conclusion---you would do better worrying about mounting a front license plate or a second roll bar than a pre oiler!!!!!!!!!!