I wonder how effectve the Accusump (or similar) type system is on an engine that sits for months at a time. Since the
oil is trapped by a soleniod valve (usually?) and seals on a piston backed by air (or nitrogen). How long is the reserve
oil charge maintained? I can see the advantage in a raceing situation where there could be a momentary starvation issue, but as a preluber, the electric (aviation style) pump might be the hot ticket, no loss of available
oil after long periods of inactivity. It would however be subject to the same oil starvation condition in a race application depending on pickup location. No? Maybe it depends on which issue is the major concern? Prelube or starvation. I was leaning toward the Accusump system 2qt for me, but now maybe the electric is best for me. Verrrryyy interesting........(knocks ashes from cig)