Originally Posted by Tengu
This car had significant influence on the replica cobra market.
Contemporary Classic cobras, renowned for their accuracy, were splashed from CSX3045, owned by the company's owner at the time, and in turn, Superformance bodies were splashed from a Contemporary.
Well it's certainly special to you then Tengu.
You can brag that your car is a direct descendant of a multi million dollar ancestor. Very cool.
You really have to bring your car up here and come to one of our breakfasts (first Sunday of the month) so we can see it in the flesh. It looks absolutely sensational in photos.
I wonder what's going to become of CSX3045 now? Reading through some of the other cars' histories it appears that they are mainly kept for a short time only, and then traded at auction again. I wonder if that's the American way? It would appear to differ from the Europeans who often tend to keep a car "in the family" for generations.