Gary, call me biased, but I think you'll be suprised how good this JBL is going to look. I can't vouch for how authentic looking it will be since I've never stood next to a real one. I've only seen Clois' car, Larry Reyburn's and a shell valley or two. I think the proportions on the JBL are near perfect although its a little longer and wider than original, but I prefer that for 2 reasons. First is, I will fit (comfortably at that). Second, that will just make the car handle that much better on the track!
The car will be at the Daryl Starbird show this weekend, still in primer. I'll post a few pics of it there. Larry will also have a beautiful "plum crazy" cobra there as well that is 90% done.
Hopefully you've seen the my coupe build thread, but let me know what you think and bring it TTT.
New JBL Coupe Build