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If you go with the build decision plan on having an experienced resource available to help guide you through decisions and choices.....and gotchas.....wiring harnesses, line leads, linkages, heat impact on the above......etc, etc.....all the little things that will impact the reliability of your daily driver requirements and lengthen your sort out period.
A roller may be a good option for you.....plenty of work to be done with the running gear install and detailing, etc. If this is of interest to you there are only two I would consider: ERA and SF. I have owned both and tracked both along with a continuation my opinion the ERA has the best chassis and engineering detail of all three and high performance range of tunable suspension options/specifications depending on rear end implementation. Although all three are impressive automobiles and true to original SC form aesthetically.
If a roof and AC are desired, a good option may be a Grandsport Vette....a Mongoose or SP, or for more money you can look at CAV GT40, etc, etc.....I can't offer any experience here though.
Regarding perception, length, etc......let it to the performance you want and engage your machine, drive it with respect....a true, build to true 427SC/C spec is flat out an Alpha machine and not a choice for posers. The folks out there driving these machines will most likely be the best drivers you'll meet regardless of age. Good luck.