Originally Posted by Clois Harlan
Why don't you want to run solid lifters. I have been using them for over ten years in my FE 427 and aside from an ocassional adjustment they have never caused me any problems. But, that being said I understand the desire for roller rockers.
It is not that I don't want to run solids but mine are roller solid lifters and many people seem to have trouble with the needle bearings in the roller failing and dropping all the debris into the engine with drastic results. I am looking into the new Isky roller lifter that uses a roller instead of needle bearing but don't know if they make them for FE's. If they don't I will be going to a hydraulic roller and less spring pressure. Other option is to convert to a standard solid lifter cam, as you are running but really like roller lifter cams because of their larger area under the curve for better performance on the street.