Jerry Cecco said the event was very well received. Total about 100 cars showed up. Do not know the details.
Another event will be March 23rd.
Here is his e-mail:___________________________________________
I wanted to send out a another email to reconfirm,
The March 23rd track day is on
I talked with Maggie and Dave Cook today, Saturday March 2nd
I'm coordinating my efforts with Brian Smith.
A facebook page will be created soon.
ECR had a VERY BIG turn out today to the FREE lead/follow learning event: about 100 cars
We believe MANY of today's NOVICES will be returning on March 23rd.
Please let me know as soon as you can,
so we can accommodate as many novices as safely possible.
Any questions, please email me back.
Jerry Cecco
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So if you want some track time, here is a good opportunity.