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LH header contacts body - motor mount mod
This is my second ERA and both cars had marks on the LH header pipes showing they contacted the body under acceleration.
My car does have the ERA modified LH motor mount, so I know the LH mount is not stretching. I even tightened the bolt thru the LH mount so there was no free play.
I shimmed the RH mount up 1/8" and the problem is noticeably less. My guess is the RH mount is compressing under hard accel and this causes the LH side to raise as it engine rotates.
My engine is now positioned with the LH side slightly lower than the RH.
I think the obvious solution is a stiffer mount on the RH side, but no one seems to offer polyurethane or solid mounts for FEs.
I am thinking about making a RH motor mount. If I use polyurethane, what durometer rating would be harder to compress than the rubber? Roughly 25% harder should be about right. How harsh would the vibration be if I made a solid mount for the right and left the ERA modified rubber on the LH? This car is primarily street driven.
My plan is to start with an OE style mount; cut the rubber away and bolt in some Polyurethane or weld in a chunk of steel.