Originally Posted by Ant
I made an enquiry on the sellers website stating a few points,
The car you are advertising is totally misrepresented firstly its not an FE engine, it doesn't have the transmission stated in your advert and asking almost original price for something with an approx value of $35000. The car hasnt original wheels as they are bolt on, the interior is totally incorrect. Myself being a cobra enthusiast who has built 3 cobras and currently owns a shelby endorsed car this car doesnt even make the grade of reasonable. Also you list the engine as 6978cc and then below in the brief comments you list it again as a 4.7L, the latter is basically the type of engine installed in the car.
So have I, but in less ..lets say direct terms..additionally included a hot link to this thread so the vendor can take the feed back on board, process and rectify the problem.
Thought it was only fair, as although Spooky found it earlier in another thread , this thread has facilitated action on the vendor (not on me for props more so the vendor thinking oops)...so feel obliged to close the loop.
If the add remains extant...well Flame away...
Clearly another monster creation...but I do like this one...