Originally Posted by relaxinrob
I am going to install a Kenne Bell Blowzilla/Flowzilla 2.2 liter blower on my built 302 this winter. If anyone has a similar system, I would be interested to know how yours is setup. What components did you use??????...........ie: heads, cam, injectors, fuel pump, throttle body, mass air, computer chip, etc.
Also, if you have any dyno results you would like to share.
Thanks in advance,
Rob Burton
Rob, how did your KB install go? Are you happy with the installation? Anything you would do differently?
I have a 302 with SVT aluminum heads and a Track Heat Stage 1 cam with fuel injection.
I'm thinking of putting a supercharger on my 302. I'm leaning towards a Kenne Bell 2.1L "BlowZilla" but the guy who dyno'd my Cobra says he would go with a ProCharger centrifugal supercharger.
I'd appreciate any words of wisdom you care to pass on before I take the plunge.