Originally Posted by Luce
I/we now know that there's a slightly negative pressure there and GM later learned to pull it in from the cowl or leading edge of the hood for positive pressure.
The cool denser air is why I posted my homemade glass turkey pan, but my point is that it's a big part of the character of the car, and should be utilized as was intended. I'm just saying... with a coyote, it's just acting as a hot underhood air exhaust.
I agree, and correct me if I'm wrong - but from what I've read even the cobra scoop location puts you in negative pressure land. That being said, then
a big part of the character of the car is a
turkey pan so the scoop becomes functional, otherwise any cobra not equipped with one is using the scoop as a hot underhood air exhaust.
For the history buffs, in terms of the cobra evolution, 289/FIA/427 - did the scoop versions have factory installed turkey pans from the beginning or did that follow later?