Originally Posted by ERA2076
I have a 3.54 rear - not sure how that is going to work - we may need to regear - I am trying to build a bit of a winder, but should end up in the low to mid 400hp.
What is considered a light (ERA) FIA. i.e how much does a well running track FIA weigh? What is the lightest anyone has built?
I think you're good with a 3:54-I did that with a 3:31 and 6200RPM.
I don't know how light they've been built-I can't recall anyone doing an all out track ERA except Don Durner. And that was BB.
I saw Rodameister's car but I don't think it was gutted to any degree.
All the weight in an ERA is the chassis steel-good because it's near the CG. The ERA rear is good for 50 less pounds. The body glass is plenty thick too so that fights the CG a bit.
The real problem is the aero-there is none. The car just kites above 130. That's why I'd lower it big time and run G-7 slicks for the shallow sidewalls.