Originally Posted by Cobra #3170
Yes, those short little suspension arms with no camber gain do not cope well with large chassis roll angles
Yes, the suspension has been on my mind for quite some time now. Thomas and I are really working hard on trying to figure out how to decouple roll, pitch, heave, and warp--as you know, this is a bedeviling problem. There are no free lunches and controlling one inevitably "controls" another one (in a way, it always seems, that you don't want)! For the track, it seems Chapman's saying, "Any suspension will work--if you don't let it!" is the cure for Cobra ills. 1000 pound springs work well on a smooth track, but not on our customers' bums as they drive down the street
Our conversations in the past on suspension have always stuck with me. (I always remember what you said about hitting pot holes with the brakes on and watching the loads skyrocket.) There is an answer to this problem--we just need to find it.