Since you are not too far down the road from me, then you know how great our weather has been lately. My car is running SO well, that I've had it out almost every day for the past few weeks. Great fun to say the least!! Thank god the troopers who have been pulling me over have all been car freaks...two of them have reminded me that over 25 miles an hour over the speed limit is a trip to jail. So far no jail, no tickets, just a lot of questions about the car. My dream is alive, however, I'm coaching one son's baseball team and the other son with tennis, my wife wants to travel, and ALL I want to do is drive my Cobra. For the sake of family unity, I'm going to set my dream on hold for a little while and revisit it later when the boys are in college. Besides, it might just keep me out of jail...for now! I'll be in Atlanta at the DSSC gathering. Really don't care if I sell or not, the car is beautiful and I love driving it.