I would recommend something like the Porter 7424. See a good starter kit here:
XMT Porter Cable 7424XP Light Swirl Remover Kit FREE BONUS! A DA Polisher is very easy to use for car polishing. I would start with 5.5" pads.
It's not the wax that makes the car shine, it's the polishing procedure.
For waxes, a lot of people recommend Collinite 845.
Collinite Liquid Insulator Wax #845, liquid wax, heat-resistant wax, car wax
I like to use a polymer product, like Blackfire wet diamond (
BLACKFIRE Wet Diamond All Finish Paint Protection, paint sealant, synthetic sealant, blackfire sealant) followed by a traditional carnuba wax.
Autogeek has a good selection of high-end products, better stuff than you see at local stores. And some tutorials.