Re-titling car in IL QUESTIONS
Back in '95, I built my Everett Morrison from a body and frame. To title it, I had to surrender the manufacturers' title I got with the car, and had to show what the entire car cost me (they hit me for sales tax because I brought a "car" into the state). They finally sent a Sec of State Police out to affix a SOS vin tag on the car. The downside: I have to test for emissions every year since it's considered an '87 (engine). Insuring it via title info is another joke...
I must have been the first to do this in IL.
So, the title they finally gave me has two years on it; one for the engine,the other for the year of the build. Unbelievable how they came up with that.
Anyway, I want to have it re-titled to reflect the year of the body, not the way they made me do it then. Anyone have any idea what to do next?
Need your input if you went thru the gyrations with the state, and also, if you have a contact in Springfield that can "understand" my dilemma.
Thanks for any help you can send me!
John Spina
FFR Spyder
EM Cobra
Bumble Bee
Everett Morrison built in 1995, 78,000 miles
FFR Spyder built in 2004
Both with Buick V6 turbo engines
11.40 @ 118 in the EM Cobra
11.99 @ 119 first time out in the Spyder
It's only funny until someone gets hurt.
Then it's friggin hilarious!