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Doing bodywork on a fiberglass car is a whole 'nother animal. Don't take advise from those that have not done it. Even if they have years experience with metal cars. It's' all about feel. There is tons of info over on the FFR forum. Everyone has their own process. I started to write the steps here but each step in pretty involved and a summary does not do it justice. Read as much as you can and don't quit until it's right.
Most popular products for fiberglass cars are:
Filler- Evercoat Rage Gold
Heavy build primer-Evercoat FeatherFill G2 or Evercoat SlickSand.
You will need a primer gun with a bigger tip to spray these, 2.0-2.5. Only mix what you can spray in the times given or they set up in your gun. You can get bigger tip guns at TCP Global for cheap. Priming with a high build primer is part of the bodywork process on a fiberglass car. These are polyester; the same as most fiberglass resin.
If you want to talk detail send me an email and we can talk on the phone.
"Everything is alive. If you get angry at a vehicle or the trans, it won't fix until you apologize and say you are sorry." "The vehicle always knows what it is doing and what the cause of it's bad feeling is. If you ask it humbly what the problem is, it will tell you. Then you and it will both be happy."
Gil Younger