My car is still running hot. Like 210-220 when it's 80 degrees out. Even at highway speed so I'm inclined to believe that it's not an airflow problem but perhaps either a water pump or radiator issue. I know the water pump is not correct as I have an original '65 HiPo and the timing pointer on the original covers is on the drivers side at about 10 o'clock (facing the engine from the front). The water pump outlet is also at 10 o'clock on the drivers side obscuring the view of the timing pointer. Temp fix?: put the car on ramps and time from underneath "eyeballing" the timing setting. I have the timing set to 10 degrees BTC as the 289 manual reads. Still getting some backfire but the carb is adjusted properly (this I know). Could the running hot cause my MSD 6a to be "missing"? Also good to know I have a March Underdrive Pulley.
Either I have the wrong water pump on (or not an effecient one) some I have noticed are outlet on the passenger side. Or my radiator (OEM) is not cutting the mustard. It did sit around for 5 years before I got to use it. I flushed the entire system to no avail.
Someone, (I can't remember whom) at the TCC meet suggested a small aluminum radiator that seemed to fix their problem? I have a 1900cfm puller fan on the radiator.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.