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This is kinda like "When did you stop beating your wife?" Any acknowledgement or denial implies that at one time you were beating your wife. But, hey, I'm just dumb enough to take a stab at it!
Lots of words being used here, like "fake" and "fraud", etc., etc. The internet is a wonderful place. Whatever view one holds can be instantly corroborated by any number of sites/postings espousing the same view, without regard to facts.
I own (with two friends) this car, and was very much aware of all the speculation surrounding it when we bought it, particularly as its last owner wouldn't let anyone near the car to examine it. To say that he's eclectic is being kind. That said, since its purchase the car has been examined by several marque experts who, for the first time in over a decade have had the opportunity to crawl over and under the car in detail, and who have marveled at the existence of several comp car only bits/features which attest to the car's originality. Let's please remember that this was/is a race car. As a wise man once told me, you can own a perfect comp car without provenance, or a race car with stories, pick one. I've spoken to people who were at Watkins Glen when Bob Grossman put 3016 into a tree, as well as many others who point to specific elements of the car which mark it as "original". This car has been restored, although not to its Sebring livery, and been around for quite sometime.
Doubtless, DMXF knows more than me, as he seems well acquainted with the "original" owner who has somehow kept the remains of one of the twenty one comp cars buried in his back yard until recently to begin its restoration. This story is more believable because......?
I would invite anyone who knows the comp cars to inspect 3016 before forming such strident judgments. As in all things vehicular, the buyer should form their own view after the requisite diligence. No one is hiding the ball here, some preconceptions here notwithstanding.
Peace, out