Originally Posted by sambo
For the price of a Commodore/Falcon there are now so many other options, particularly with the high AUD. At the high end, you really have to be a die hard fan to spend $90k on a HSV/FPV, when for similar money you can have the performance and refinement of a European sedan. That's not necessarily how I'd spend the money but I think it's how a lot of people feel.
Not sure what european you can buy for $90K that also has a mighty V8 and goes like a FPV/HSV, but I would sure like to know.
Personally I think the Falcons/Commodores represent great value for what they are, but also I think in this current economy most people do not want to spend $40K plus on a car. All the best sellers these days are low cost vehicles.
I rue the day when the only 4 door rear drive V8 I can buy is a $150k euro.