Hi Guys
I'm hosting Sunday night car cruise at Rose Dairy in Cheshire Ct. Every other Sunday. First show started on May 5th 2013.
Located on rt 10 at rt 42. Music by the CCCHR film crew a public access tv show
I produce. This will be the shows 3 rd season and we will be filming at Rose Dairy during the show.
Old fashion Burgers, Hot Dogs and Ice Cream are also featured at Roses. A fun smaller cruise with 3 car awards every show, good tunes, and 50/50 raffles etc.
Rain outs will be tacked onto the length of the shows season, Keeping the same format.
Hope to see some of you there. This is a fun relaxing car cruise and a nice drive towards the event.
Cobras, Classics, Antiques, Exotics and Hot Rods are all welcome.
For details email