Originally Posted by PCW
After talking to the painter who actually had a few video's of painting a Kirkham he stated that a file finish would be fine for paint. The Kirkham was painted in super jet black and looked awesome.
Originally Posted by brettco
A paint shop would probably sand with 120 grit to prime it so anything finer is wasted.
I'll respond to both of you at the same time seeing that I owned a production body shop in a past life and have had my hands on over two dozen Cobras, several one of a kind hand crafted automobiles, and enough production cars (stopping at model year 2012)of all shapes and sizes to fill your mall parking lot.
For basic priming and block sanding, the body should be progressively sanded to 220 grit (from a file finish that would be 80 grit, 180, grit, then 220 grit, then primed). For final paint, the car should be progressively sanded to 400-600 grit at the very least, depending on the color and depth of finish you want. For the last Cobra I painted (see "Saltshaker" for a reference here), his car was sanded (dry) progressively to 600 grit, then sealed, then sanded again at 600 grit, then shot in a beautiful base/clear in Jet Black............
In closing, you want to offer advice, make sure the person you ask has actual hands on experience and knows what they are talking about.
Bill S.