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Hi Brent, try to help if I can. I don't know what kind of a car you have, or what information is available from a wiring schematic standpoint in your assembly manual, but here goes.
Didn't know any kit used a MII column per se'. Typically the Chevette is used.
This is pretty generic to all ignition switches, and can be checked/verified with a volt/ohm meter. A Radio Shack meter for $15 - $30 will do nicely.
Doesn't matter if switch is behind dash, or remote by a pushrod on the column, they all work the same way.
1) You have a power in lead. It will have +12v all the time with key off.
2) There is an accessory lead. It is +12v in acc position and run position, but off in start. Typically powers your radio and other ignition switch powered accessories, signal lights, & wipers. Lights, horn, e-flashers are powered separately.
3)There is an ignition lead that is +12v in run, and start. This is ignition, electric choke, and alternator energize.
4) Start. This is +12v in start, and runs to the starter solenoid. Typically, this circuit will route through a safety switch on the transmission to only allow starting in park or neutral (auto), or neutral (manual).
Check your leads with the meter; use DC voltage setting above 12volts, red meter wire to the column lead, black meter wire to a ground. Make a drawing or sketch of the column switch, and as you check each lead, make notes of which one is hot (+12v) in which key position.
Or, if you're uncomfortable checking live circuits, use the ohms or resistance setting on the meter. Then disconnect the battery. The resistance will swing across the scale to 0 with each hot circuit.
Once you've identified which wire runs to the starter solenoid, you can clip it off the column plug and run it to a start button on the dash. The other end of the switch should run to a chassis ground. The rest of the keyswitch functions should remain unchanged.
I always crimp, solder, and shrink wrap interior connections, and grease engine compartment and exterior connections before shrink wrap.
Hope this helps. e-mail me if you need any more info.
Last edited by Jack21; 03-17-2002 at 04:29 PM..