Originally Posted by REAL 1
No, I didn't miss that page. Actually, You (and Rodknock) need to read it carefully.. Especially the first sentence. That part of the page needs to be read in context with the rest of the discussion also.
The Continuation Cobras are copies of the original series. That's self evident. Hence "continuation" Cobras and not originals but genuine Cobras none the less. Thats the bottom line.
I see cars like the 4000 series and others described as true replicas and Shelby using the term "component" to differentiate his, and to placate the DMV, but I can't find any reference to them being defined as "genuine".
IMO, using the word "real" and/or "genuine", in the Cobra world, with anything other than an original 60's vintage Cobra is a falsehood when answering "
the question."