Originally Posted by A-Snake
I see cars like the 4000 series and others described as true replicas and Shelby using the term "component" to differentiate his, and to placate the DMV, but I can't find any reference to them being defined as "genuine".
IMO, using the word "real" and/or "genuine", in the Cobra world, with anything other than an original 60's vintage Cobra is a falsehood when answering "the question."
While everyone is entitled to their own opinions (and you know what they say about opinions) I prefer to base my position on the working definitions used and accepted by SAAC. You do accept SAAC as the leading authority on all things Cobra don't you and the World Registry the Bible...don't you? Or perhaps only the parts you like?
I can easily see why owners of original cars would ascribe to the notion "if it wasn't built by Shelby in the 60's then it's not real". No axe to grind there.
I refer to the Continuation series as genuine or real Cobras because thats what they are. They are Shelby's and they are Cobras recreated by the original creator. As noted by the Registry while they are not originals they are not "replicas" as that term is understood in popular parlance which is commonly understood now to mean "kit cars" which while looking like a Cobra on the surface are nothing like it in substance underneath. A true "replica" is built to exact if not near exact specs as the original of it's kind and according to the dictionary by the "artist" responsible for the original. CSX3002 is arguably a replica of CSX3001 and so on but that is semantics.
Going beyond the general discussion on the Continuation Series....
and getting to the specificss lets start with the cover of the Registry titled "World Registry of Cobras & GT40s." It isn't titled "and Kits and Replicas". And what do you know I don't see FFRs, ERAs, Contemporaries, Backdrafts and the like in the Registry. Did I miss something?
Now lets go to the working definitions which were created because some car owners like to describe cars 'acting in their own best interests". I'm sure owners of original series are immune from this phenomenon however.
CSX 4000 Cobras are described as "current production Cobras..."
Hmmm, good enough for me.
"Kit car and Replica" is also defined using the now commonly understood use of "replica".
Moving to "Production Figures" we also see production figures for "Component Cobras" (CSX4000 etc.) set forth on the same page as "leaf sprung Cobras" and "Coil Spring Cobras". I don't see any production figures listed for kit cars or "replicas". Again did I miss that?
I can understand why you don't like when I or others refer to the Continuation series are real Cobras. Thats obvious. Doesn't change the fact that they are and have clearly been recogized as Cobras by the leading authority and bible on the subject. Just so happens their postion coincides with 'my opinion' now and as stated years ago before the current Registry was issued. See I was right again.
So when someone asks if my Cobra is "real" I accurately and truthfully answer "yes sure is". I always add that it is a Continuation Series Shebly Cobra. Whether they know what that is is not my problem. If I have time and they ask I happily explain. When that happens it does not seem to phase their amazement with the car either. In fact they seem just as amazed it's a genuine Shelby Cobra.