Originally Posted by mrmustang
Well, actually I do own an original Shelby, so that blows your theory out of the water. Ask why CSX Continuation cars Re shut out of pebble beach or other such prestigious events. Or why Continuation series cars Re parked seperatly from CSX2000/3000 cars at other events. It is most certainly not done out of envy.
Truth s told I find more continuation series cars with a chip on their shoulders because there cars are not treated as equals to the CSX2000/3000 series cars. Perhaps because they bought in to the hype that SAI dished out while they were selling them. Expecting them to become the next overnight quality investment and double in value.
Bill S.
Aha!, it was you, MrMustang!! I will direct you to my last reply above. My apologies to Mr. RodKnock, since I thought he made the comments about Pebble Beach and investment.