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Old 06-23-2013, 09:22 PM
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Originally Posted by mrmustang View Post
Well, actually I do own an original Shelby, so that blows your theory out of the water. Ask why CSX Continuation cars Re shut out of pebble beach or other such prestigious events. Or why Continuation series cars Re parked seperatly from CSX2000/3000 cars at other events. It is most certainly not done out of envy.

Truth s told I find more continuation series cars with a chip on their shoulders because there cars are not treated as equals to the CSX2000/3000 series cars. Perhaps because they bought in to the hype that SAI dished out while they were selling them. Expecting them to become the next overnight quality investment and double in value.

Bill S.
Talk about misleading! Really, please do enligthen us as to your CSX#.

Oh, you mean you own an original Shelby Mustang? Oh, yes thats exactly like a Cobra. Silly me.

Actually, your wrong. There are no Continuation owners that I know of that have issues with the fact there cars are not put in the same category as the originals at any show. I don't know of a single Continuation Cobra owner that would expect there cars to be accepted into shows such as Pebble beach. You make yourself look ridiculous with statements like that.

If anything the bulk of the issue seems to be voiced by those that don't own Shelby Cobras. Funny isn't it? Seems to me that many non Shelby owners would love for Continuation owners to be self deprecating as to what they own and just simply say "no and leave it at that" when asked if what they own is a real Cobra. That clearly brings the Shelby down in the same category as their car. Perfect, right?

Continuation owners aren't allowed to say their cars are "original" that would be a sin and a lie. Continuation owners can't say their Cobras are real either. Oh, no thats misleading and even saying they are Continuation Series Cobras creates too much confusion in the mind of the little boy with sticky fingers eating his ice cream cone. Can't have that either. All Continuation owners have left to do is "just say no" to the "is it real question" and hang their head in sadness.

I am throwing out my World Registry now. It has misguided me. Alas, It's words are hollow and meaningless. It has no weight. It is given no respect especially here on the worlds largest "unbiased" Cobra site (). I was duped at the SAAC convention when told it was the "Bible" of all things Cobra. Can I get a refund?

I should have saved substantial sums and just kept my ERA. All that effort and I still can't even say I have a real Cobra.

Anyone want to trade even up for a nice ERA?

One thing is intrigueing though as to the "AC Cobras" that don't carry that silly little Shelby plaque we see on those Shelby you know "replicas"... Last I read Shelby was the manufacturer of record of the Cobra in the 60's just like today and AC sold Cobras under agreement and license from SAI. The AC Cobras never touched any Shelby facility. So...seems like the Continuation Cobra (you know that "replica" one) has more Shelby DNA then the original AC Cobras.

Just a thought.

Good night.

U.S. Army Rangers. Leading travel agents to Allah.

Last edited by REAL 1; 06-23-2013 at 09:29 PM..