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Old 06-24-2013, 07:03 PM
fdjake fdjake is offline
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That's EXACTLY what realtors tell me all the time!! I buy houses like most people buy socks.

Bought a 2 bed ranch last week in Southern New England with a new roof and new heating system.....It's assessed for taxes by the Town at $138K.....I paid $25K....The house was NEVER listed with a realtor. I advertised for it, and the owner called me because he didn't want to deal with nit wits that don't know what they were doing. I buy all my cars the same way....From people NOT trying to squeeze every nickel out of a car...They just want to move it FAST with minimal BS!!!

They can call ME...I'll meet them at their local POLICE STATION if that's how they want it done.

OR....They can invite someone they don't know a thing about to the front door of their home.

It can be done folks. Believe me, I do it everyday!

Those realtors look at me like i have 3 heads when they see the posted real estate transaction prices in our local papers....These are the same "experts" who say it can't be done. I LOVE it!!!!

Here's my prediction....Somewhere out there is an owner with a CAV GT40 sitting in a garage that he never drives....It's basically a pile of $$$$....At some point maybe that guy gets a line on a car he KNOWS he'll drive everyday...OR...He has a business opportunity that requires 5 figures in cash.....He can keep his CAV (which he doesn't use) OR he can turn that car into money that he can use to make more money!!! Whatever hit he takes on the car, he makes up for with his new opportunity or the great deal he gets on his NEW ride.

That is the EXACT scenario that lead me to a 2006 ERA 427SC for $39K that I drove home!!

Last edited by fdjake; 06-24-2013 at 07:24 PM..
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