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Hey Bill not sure what your point is but I have no problem talking to owners of original Cobras. Have done so on a number of occasions. They are not "Gods" nor are they "special". They are fortunate enough to own original Cobras and were either in the right place at the right time or had/have enough money to pay for one.
They have Shelby Cobras just like mine except mine is continuation series and their is an original series!!! LOL.
Any owners of originals that have issues with this and SAAC's position and look to demean the Continuation series are the one with the insecurity issues.
Oh, and your "clever" use of the "component car" term is also misused so to imply what you would like it too..i.e. "kit" or "replica". You know full well why SAI picked that term. Bill, if you have a Registry, a current one that is I would suggest you read it 'SLOWLY' since you apparently have a comprehension issue. Go slow or read out loud...that helps. Also take a look at the operative section here under definitions on page 30. Again read it slow and out loud. It will also help if you read the Introduction section as to the purpose of the Registry. Again, go slow.
Any questions PM me I'll be glad to help.
Last I checked every car is a component car since they are all made of components including the originals.
; )
U.S. Army Rangers. Leading travel agents to Allah.
Last edited by REAL 1; 06-26-2013 at 11:06 AM..