I had an unexpected rain experience I'll never forget. Very similar experience to Tony.
15 minutes away from home on a sunny day, in an instant it became a deluge. Only way home was a 70mph parkway with no underpasses to hide under.
Rain comes
around the windshield sides over top, down the inside of w'shield, and your ass is immediately in a -literally-bucket of water.
The terror comes when having to merge onto traffic going 70 (no problem in street cars) and have zero traction to accelerate in with them. Sideways at the hint of throttle, I almost ran out of room in the merge lane except for some kind soul who was exiting and let me in. I was more soaked from sweat than rain.
Then tramlining on the BB's in channels of water in the lanes. And being passed by Hyundais with no traction problems.
Funny, I learned that major water into the scoop and the sealed air pan is absolutely no problem-except for the engine bay mess.
For a week, I was drying the carpets with a heat gun and polishing magnesium...