Originally Posted by BMK
Mmmm Craig sounds like we have a debate...
I thought the highlight was going to be the debate between Rudd and Abbott - about who was going to be the best Prime Minister.
You two would be better off focusing inwardly on your businesses don't get distracted. Not that I would be bold enough to give advice...
Like the coming election the voters or buyers will at the end of the day make their decision either informed or uninformed..
Now get back to work...
I agree with Bernie's thoughts - focusing inwardly on your business.
That way everyone wins. For example: Sometimes when a Maccas opens next to a Subway - they actually both win by drawing a bigger crowds
As opposed to the initial fears that the capped market would be now split between the two.
If you don't believe that, then please ask yourself why some many pasta joints in Lygon st are so successful
Plus - I'm not keen to see any "Mass-debates" - they are often sticky and messy, without the same level of pleasure
Let the products speak for themselves...