I could even go a cable clutch
but that's what I left behind because of the way the pedals are set up.
If I had a way of hiding the lever-attachment point for the cable to the pedal I'd have probably revisited that idea but below was the initial set up I used and it's just butt-ugly!! nuff said
Anyway a measurement test Friday suggested that I was at the minimum movement limit for the thrust bearing to achieve the 12-13mm clearance as specified by McLeod.
Interestingly during an exercise yesterday to cost a replacement standard clutch assembly, this provider suggested that there need only be 6mm travel at the clutch for release.
I didn't get the chance but it would now be worth my while jacking up the car and seeing practically where the release point is in terms of fork travel.
I could get the slave honed out one size and this would further reduce pedal pressure at the cost of further reduction in hydraulic throw, and I can't without more major work, reposition my master higher up the pedal so that option is out too.
Beyond the $440 for the replacement clutch assembly, I have plenty of time on my hands to do this swap myself, and it may come down to this for ultimate peace of mind.