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Thanks for the reply guys! I'm glad that you answered my question Bob regarding body/chassis application. I had wondered about that. I will end up ordering my cobra as a roller, then I'll install the engine and tranny afterwards myself. I can't wait for that day!! It's sure been a long time coming. Like I said earlier, being up here in Canada our dollar suffers compared to yours. For me to purchase a 427 roller from ERA ( 36,000 usd) will cost me about 52,000 canadian. Still a ways to go, but I'll eventually get the dough together.
ST. I also remember you from SAAC does Vegas. I sure enjoy that meet. My Dad came with me last year and he sure enjoyed it too. How was it this year? I couldn't go, had to work. I'd sure like to chat with you again down there sometime. You're cobra was the first ERA that I got to really see up close. A remarkable car!! You should be proud. A couple more years and I'll meet you down there with my own. I sure appreciate the offer on cruising in your car. Funny thing is though; I've made this crazy deal with myself that I would not drive one until it was my own. I've ridden in them before, including an original car. We took to the track up near Death Valley. It was amazing!! I had my video camera on as we raced around the track with several other cobras. You should see the video. We were passing other cobras and getting passed ourselves. That was after SAAC does Vegas last year. Too much fun!
I have the promotional video from ERA, which I've pretty well worn out. I keep trying to adjust the tracking on the video machine, but it doesn't help. I think that it's actually the video. What can I expect after watching it so much. Their cars look so right on the video, especially cruising down the street. My girlfriend thinks I'm off my rocker, because I watch it too much. I tell her that a man can never get too much cobras.
Anyway, I'm rambling on again. Take care guys.