Originally Posted by CSX3183
Thanks for posting the photos, you captured my Dad in 4 photos, he passed away in 2007. You captured my car, CSX 3183 4 times, it was the one with the 4 sale sign. I captured 1st place Popular Vote, and BEST COBRA picked by the 'ol man himself..
Captured 3 photos of me, do you have any more, was looking for my 3 year old daughter, she passed away 9 months later??
Great shots, thanks again, brings back great memories. My dad and I trailered it all the way from Ft. Laud to the convention.
Glad I captured your Cobra! These were only a handful that I found. Hope your family took some too. I literally have thousands from over the years and the negatives are all mixed up but in groups. I know the tech is there to transfer the 35mm negatives into digital but it's not going to happen any time soon.
There were many more cars present. I think you saw the Cobras, GT 40, Daytonas but there was an area I didn't photograph of the 68-70 Shelby's.
I still have that Mickey Mouse shirt from the meet and a never worn silk screen racing shirt that was made on site.
Glad I captured your dad, good to know he was a bad ass owning a Cobra or was that yours? Sorry to hear your daughter passed at such an early age.
There are pics when Shelby showed up and of later that night. There are some pics posted on the SAAC site also that someone has posted.
SAAC 9 ANAHEIM, CA......AUGUST 17-18-19, 1984