My assumption is that there are enough replica's out there, and photos over the years of original cars, that just about anyone who is a car nut, that would go to a car show, would know that a skimpy little 13" wheel for one looks to modern, and second too small for the car.
My other assumption, which I'm sure many will deny, is that they bought their replica with one of the reasons being, (way deep inside), that the novice would think they have the real thing, (nothing wrong with that, as we can't all afford a real one).
But to bastard it up, with MICKEY MOUSE creature comforts, small blocks etc., is not only an affront to the car and it's history, but it's a sure way for even the unknowledgeable to pass on by and not even give your car a second look,,,,,,,, I mean, anyone can build a KIT CAR out of a VW, and put a body on it.
As for worrying about snickering, not me, I'm a purest.
I'll use my favorite line again here, that's fine if your a "Girly Man".
To get the full experience, one needs to suffer, to appreciate the soul of a Cobra.
God help the fool who puts a Chevy motor in a Cobra replica, he's certain to spend time in Purgatory.
Originally Posted by Paul F
As if anyone that will see the car has any idea what a proper steering wheel looks like.
Enjoy your car the way you want to enjoy your car. Paint it purple and put a Chevy block in it if that makes you happy. If snickering behind your back is what drives your life, well, .... what a life.