Originally Posted by spookypt
Also, being a topic relating to a motorsport event...there's a strong push by the owners of motorsport venues up here (and around the country for that matter) for people to incorporate the use of a HANS device or equivalent /neck restraint when participating in motorsport events. This has come about from a series of bad/fatal accidents that have occurred where the use of this piece of equipment may have helped prevent the outcome.
Remember that if you do opt to use this safety device as part of your safety quiver that the anchors (the part that attaches the device to your helmet) is secured A. to a helmet compatible and compliant with HANS usage and B. the anchors are installed as per CAMS specification.
I've had a few people ring me about this so please check with your local race equipment shop that your helmet and its anchors are OK and installed correctly.
A lot of guys are beginning to use these up here. I for one highly recommend their use.
Fair call Spook, but I think a push for competitors to be fitting a harness and the lifting the standard of roll over protection should probably come first in our case.