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Both Scut Farcus and his nephew Murt contributed to the Newsletter effort.
Sadly, Murt never quite recovered following Uncle Scut's inadvertent self immolation that (according to the coroner’s report) resulted from a misfire of his high pressure rotisserie lamb chop baster.
Eye witnesses reported that the lamb chop baster was built on the same theory (and with many of the same parts) as were used on high rpm FE crank squirters and scrapers. ...and, reputedly, the rotisserie was capable of turning some 7500 rpm without throwing a chop.
Murt was last seen some years ago chasing rabbits on the abandoned back straight of Bridgehampton Race Track, yelling (according to locals) epithets to ghostly visions of long gone high winged CanAm cars.
ERA management at the time (which come to think of it is esentially the same as it is now, albeit 20 years older) quickly tried to distance themselves from the resulting negative publicity following Scut's untimely death and Murt's breakdown. The newsletter, without the Farcus' input and inspiration quickly faded away.
...but I'm glad to know that their legacy, now some two decades later, has not been forgotten.
Last edited by Jim Holden; 07-18-2013 at 07:17 PM..