On Saturday night, the group decided to leave on Sunday morning at 0700. 0700! You've got to be kidding me! First, I'm not really a Crack-of-Dawn kinda guy, and Michele is not a Crack-of-Dawn kinda Gal. Second, we're on vacation. Third, there's no place to get breakfast before 0700. Third, I'm really not in that big of a rush to get home. Like I said, I'm on vacation.
So, the rest of the gang got up and left early. Michele and I slept in, and awoke well rested and refreshed. We went into Deadwood and had breakfast at this little place. This is the best breakfast we've had all week end. I highly recommend it.
And I had a nice chat with this fellow.
We hit the road about 0900. We decided to follow 385 south. That goes through Custer, SD, and Hot Springs, SD. We came a cross a herd of Buffalo.
We stopped for lunch in a little town in NE. We saw a small sign that said, "Carhenge, 3 1/2 miles". So we went there!
Then we stopped in Syndey, NE, to do a little shopping in Cabellas. Always check out the Bargain Cave. They had plenty of handgun ammo, still at reasonable prices - so I picked up a few hundred rounds. Then we had a delicious steak dinner next door.
We had clear weather all day. A little warm in NE, but not brutal. No rain at all. And the car ran flawlessly all day. We stayed on the two lane black top all the way to Sterling, CO. Then picked up the freeway for the rest of the ride home. We went through Denver around 7 pm, and got home around 9:30pm.
You can find more pictures here:
MHCC Black Hills 0713 Photos by bobcowan | Photobucket