Originally Posted by Darth Menace
What do you think I am doing? Reading up/making posts is doing homework. Please don't stalk my posts just to write some snotty info.
Thanks to the rest of the people who offered some info. I am sorry I am not knowledgeable on this topic and I am seeking information on it.
I simply showed you that you need to do more research and you call that stalking.
The facts show from your post you are out of your element, the facts of your posts also show you do not understand the kit car market and have been speaking to the wrong people who have filled your head with misinformation. Again, I do not see this as stalking, just showing you the error of your ways. If anyone is being snotty here, it is you, not me.
15 years is the magic number, a kit car already built and turn key must be a minimum of 15 years old to be imported into Canada. There are a myriad of other items that must be satisfied before Trans Canada will allow one of the these cars in to your country. Also, while you imported a Viper in the past, you can throw away everything you learned as kit cars are their own binder at Trans Canada.
maybe it is just a Canadian thing, where you feel that you are smarter than everyone else here.