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Old 07-30-2013, 07:26 PM
tcrist tcrist is offline
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PS: Darth Menace - FWIW: mrmustang (Bill) is fairly well respected for his knowledge in this area. While his post may have come across abrasively, I'm going to guess, judging only by his past posts, that he meant no harm.
You could do a lot worse than to take advise from him on these matters IMHO.
Also in full disclosure. I've never personally met Bill nor do I speak for him, but, just offering my humble observations.

End quote

While I am sure that Bill did not mean to sound abrasive, he did, and so do others at one time or another, including myself.

What the OP has to think about is that most people on this forum have heard the same questions 1,000+ times and sometimes get a bit short with our answers. Sometimes being short about something comes across as being rude.

Of course some poeple are just rude and you can take what they say with a grain of salt. Some people just want to antagonize (sp) people and what better way than on a forum where you are invisable.

We on this forum have to remember that we "ALL" were newbe's at one point and we should take that into concideration.

And for the O/P, most of the people on this forum are here to give help and receive it also. I know that Bill has helped more people on this forum that I can count.

Ok, I have said what I wanted to say.
"I may be paranoid, but that doesn't mean they are not watching me"

Last edited by tcrist; 07-31-2013 at 06:49 AM..
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